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Meet Damien

What if, we retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, and mix it in with the Mexican Folklore of "El Chupacabra"?

A demon boy lives with his very overweight mother, he tends to her day in and day out. One day they run out of food so the boy is sent out to sell their Cerberus dog. On the way to sell the 3 headed dog the boy runs into Hades disguised as a woman. She convinces the boy to sell the dog for 3 magical beans. Once he returns to his mother she is furious and throws the beans out the window. Confused and crying the boy leaves the house, only to find the beans grow into a huge beanstalk that stretches up to the heavens. The boy climbs and finds himself in our world. He discovers sheep roaming freely and quickly realizes he can drain their blood and use it to nourish himself and his mother. The boy takes multiple trips up and down the beanstalk thinking nothing of the repercussions. The small village notices their livestock begin to dwindle and decide to form a mob to stop whatever is killing their animals. One fateful day the boy is back to replenish his meal for the day, and runs into the screaming hoard of angry villagers. They give chase and the boy runs back and down the beanstalk. Once safely home he vows to never return. Meanwhile on the surface reports and posters begin to spread throughout the town with the warning "Se Busca: El Chupacabra" "Wanted: The Goatsucker"


Sketches for Characters emotions, side characters, height comparisons

Storyboards First Pass

Original Passes for the Storyboards

First Pass Storyboards.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 2.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 3.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 4.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 5.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 6.jpg
First Pass Storyboards 7.jpg

Refined Storyboards

Updated storyboards with updated character designs.

Storyboard 1.jpg
Storyboard 2.jpg
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